We’ve all hit that point during a smoke, usually about half way through, in which the cigar’s flavors and aromas open up and transform the experience into something far more rich, complex, and enjoyable. In this moment, gentlemen, you’ve hit the “sweet spot”. A moment that encourages you to open your senses, and to truly […]
As I was mulling over what to write on this week, I remembered back to a list that my coach in college printed off for each guy on our Cross Country team. I remembered how much it impacted me, and how much it informed my path throughout my college experience. I’m not pretending like I […]
“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”
Henry Ford
We’ve all hit that point during a smoke, usually about half way through, in which the cigar’s flavors and aromas open up and transform the experience into something far more rich, complex, and enjoyable. In this moment, gentlemen, you’ve hit the “sweet spot”. A moment that encourages you to open your senses, and to truly […]
*One of the biggest disagreements I have ever had in a professional setting occurred almost entirely because the person I was chatting with perceived that I was not listening to them. This disagreement had very real consequences, including me not continuing my work at that location for an additional year. It was a crazy situation […]
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin
We’ve all hit that point during a smoke, usually about half way through, in which the cigar’s flavors and aromas open up and transform the experience into something far more rich, complex, and enjoyable. In this moment, gentlemen, you’ve hit the “sweet spot”. A moment that encourages you to open your senses, and to truly […]
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
Albert Einstein
We’ve all hit that point during a smoke, usually about half way through, in which the cigar’s flavors and aromas open up and transform the experience into something far more rich, complex, and enjoyable. In this moment, gentlemen, you’ve hit the “sweet spot”. A moment that encourages you to open your senses, and to truly […]
If I (over a scotch and a pipe) were to ask you to shortly and simply define fatherhood, how would you respond? In today’s society, fatherhood does not mean what it used to. The modern portrayal of fathers on TV, movies, commercials, etc. varies greatly. Some fathers are depicted as severe, sexist, and self-centered – […]