Over the next 3 days, we will be posting a series of articles that will describe how to craft the perfect cup of tea.

These articles are written by a dear friend of The Modern Day Gentleman blog, Mr. Brad Maston. He graciously offered his expertise in this area for our reader’s benefit. We know you’ll love them!

He has a blog of his own, Pipe Reflections, where he writes about “the joys of Pipes and Pipe Tobacco”. You can visit that blog from this link.

In the coming days 3 different kinds of tea will be explained, explored, and enjoyed.

This post serves as the introduction to what lies in store:



A leaf tumbled through the air as countless others had fallen before.  This leaf, however, had a destiny.  The destiny of this leaf was tied to its destination.  The destination was water.  Water for drinking. That simple leaf, guided by providence, changed the water into which it fell and the world is still swaying with  the ripples of that first fallen tea leaf.

So the legend tells us tea drinking was introduced to humanity. A fallen leaf affected some drinking water causing an emperor to begin investigation of how the most basic fluid of life could be improved. Since that time tea has impacted every continent and nearly every culture on earth.

Something so prevalent and important demands the true gentleman’s attention. Click To Tweet What is this marvelous leaf?  How is it best used and what variety can be found in its many benefits?

This article serves as an introduction to a 3 part series on the major styles of brewing from around the world. Tea brings the energy of caffeine, the peace and tranquility of a warm drink, and more flavor stimulation than many of the beverages that are frequently associated with the virtues of slow and serious appreciation.

There is an added element of taste and mastery through which the gentleman must persevere. We find that while it may even be easy to acquire a great tea leaf it is only by patient application of skill and effort that maximum enjoyment be drawn from this simple plant. As tastes are discovered and appreciation deepens we find that volumes could be written simply about one man’s adventures in learning, enjoying and sharing tea.

It's only by patient application of skill and effort that this simple plant is to be enjoyed. Click To Tweet

The articles to come will cover:

First – Black tea brewed in the more familiar western style.
Second – Green tea brewed in the eastern style.
Finally – OohLang tea brewed in the Gongfu Tea Ceremony Style.

Please remember, dear reader,  that the discovery of the tea leaf came with no divinely established instructions.  The way you make tea already may be the best way for you to enjoy it, and that is wonderful!  Yet it is the hope of this gentleman that by experimenting with new tea varietals and new ways of drawing the flavor out of those leaves that your life and fellowship with other gentlemen will be truly enriched.

Mr. Maston