A good rule of thumb when it comes to conversations during a smoke with fellow gentlemen is to ignore the rule of thumb of discussion topics at the workplace. We are encouraged to stay away from topics that may stir up controversy during our professional work hours (religion, politics, money, etc.), and in most cases, this is probably a good thing. However, when slowing down to build relationships with like-minded gentlemen, it’s important to discuss these things. Here are three topics that will allow us to grow with our friends during a relaxing smoke together.


Many would argue that faith is the single most important aspect of our lives. For Christians, we believe that the overwhelming majority of our “time” will be experienced after our lives on earth. What we do while we are here matters because our actions in this mortal reality will echo into eternity. Let’s strive to learn how to make our echo as impactful as possible and welcome input from our fellow gentlemen.


Both religious and nonreligious camps would argue that our families deserve a front seat in our thoughts. Are you experiencing some success in your marriage? Share how and why this growth has happened with your fellow gentlemen. Having some parenting issues with a rebellious child? Invite your friends into that situation. Whether they have some advice from a prior struggle or are simply able to empathize, it is important we have friends in whom we are able to confide.


This is a topic we rarely discuss with anyone. I agree that some aspects of our finances should be kept to ourselves, as we do not wish to flaunt our successes, or draw unneeded sympathy, depending on our situation. However, it is important that we discuss how we are or could be using our finances to help others, big spending decisions that should welcome insight, financial successes we have experienced with our families, etc. The most powerful way to battle unhealthy money hunger is by openly talking about our finances with trusted advisors.

We are to battle unhealthy money hunger by openly talking about our finances with trusted advisors. Share on X

We are molded by those with whom we spend quality time. Let’s allow these people to mold us in healthy, impactful, and radical ways. As we strive to lead lives worthy of whatever calling we are striving to pursue, let us not rely solely on our own abilities or wisdom. Here’s to trusted gentlemen we are blessed to call “brothers!”

Let us allow our brothers to mold us in healthy, impactful, and radical ways. Share on X

Mr. South